Our pupils will eat breakfasts, choose healthy snacks and healthy drinks.
They will know what rational nutrition is and they will be able to compose a healthy meal.
They will participate in physical education classes, and their free time with parents will be much more active.
They will play sports or show other physical activity.
They will want to stay healthy in order to feel better and get better results in learning.
They will be able to share their knowledge and experience with their peers and family
Their parents will change their family’s bad eating habits and organize activities so that they have as much outdoor activities as possible.
All the participants will gain knowledge about healthy and harmful products and ingredients which will encourage them to read labels and analyze the products.
They will expand their knowledge about a healthy diet and the role of physical activity as factors that improve the quality of life and affect the improvement of concentration, and, consequently, of results in learning.
Our students will improve their language skills and ITC competences.
The teachers will gain new experiences through the exchange of practices, they will improve their organizational skills and their competences in the field of communication using modern information technologies .
The schools will increase their European potential